News - Page 6 of 17 - Contemplative Fire
This is the day I find myself in the space that is between…..
The space between people…. that keeps us safe
The space between knowing and unknowing…. where there is no need to know
The space between breaths…. where all of life rests.
The space between…. where peace resides, waiting for us to find her.
We take this opportunity to reflect on the year past, and to share support as we move through these changing times.
In this edition Companions share insights from this time of lock down, and we explore some different resources that can help us on our way.
In this edition, you are invited to ‘ Pull up a seat, and come warm yourself by the fire of shared story and experience’ , and we hear news from Companions including Mark and Tessa Holland as well as being updated on our new board of trustees.
We say farewell to our Community Administrator, and share news from across the community[UNIQID]
In this edition there is an invitation to participate in ‘Kindling the Fire’ and reports on a Black Lives Matter Vigil and Windsor Homelessness Project, which ‘cross the threshold’.