News - Page 13 of 17 - Contemplative Fire
Community Weekend – Return to the Heart
The main speaker at the Community Weekend was Vincent Strudwick. Vincent has been a monk, then priest and historical theologian in the Church of England for nearly 60 years, 25 in the faculty of theology of Oxford University. He is an Emeritus Fellow and Honorary Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford, and is Founding Director of the Oxford Summer School in Theology at Oxford. In 2009, he was awarded the Lambeth Doctorate for his scholarship and teaching ministry by Archbishop Rowan Williams. He is also a Contemplative Fire Companion, having been with the community since its birthing.
Be Part of Resourcing Our Community Life during Advent and Lent
Sharon Roberts & Diane Rutter write:
Spiritual food for deep journeying during these special times of attentiveness and preparation has been offered by a wide variety of Companions since the early days of Contemplative Fire…
Ann Crosthwait -Mystic in Motion
Anglican Religious Communities Conference – Report
Sharon Roberts writes:
Early in July, Elaine Wilkins and I joined nearly 100 delegates, drawn from religious communities old and new, at the beautiful Christian Centre at Lee Abbey in Devon, for an intensive two days of input and sharing, exploring the theme of “God, Ourselves and the World”. The invitation for Contemplative Fire to participate came through our status as an Acknowledged Community (although we are not, of course, part of the Anglican Church)…
Wisdom on the Way – Jesus said “I am come that you may have fullness of life”
Companion Jo Rowbotham (RMN) led the day on “Life in its Fullness – An Integral Exploration of Spirituality and Mental Health”, reminding us that unaddressed mental health problems can have a major impact on both length and quality of life. She spoke about Integral Theory and the writings of Ken Wilber and its application in mental health care…
A report on the Anglican Religious Communities Conference from Sharon Roberts and Caroline Newton’s reflections on the Richard Rohr Conference Trinity Soul of Creation.