News - Page 16 of 17 - Contemplative Fire
Planning Our Route Day, Boxmoor Trust 12th March
All decisions made on 12th March were
recommendations to the Trustees. Agreement
was recorded from a show of hands plus ballot
paper votes…
Still Waters at St Albans – “Connection”
Helen Fitch-Hunter writes: I facilitated a recent Still Waters at St Albans on
the theme of “Connection”. I had been particularly moved by Linden and
Stephen’s Lenten Reflections in 2013 – I told them so at the time – which included a beautiful line drawing by Stephen of the Tree of Life…
Exploring Shared Leadership with Graham Booth, Community of Aidan & Hilda
The Community of Aidan and Hilda (CA&H) is a dispersed, ecumenical body drawing inspiration from the lives of the Celtic saints, and is held by two important anchors of the Communities of the early Celtic Church: the rule of the Community, often composed by the founding saint, and the work of the Anamchara or Soul Friend, who helped each individual to discern God’s voice and develop an on-going personal and patterned response…
Wisdom on the Way – Learning, Accompanying and Taking Compassionate Action, 14th November
Susan Hinds writes:
“Contemplative Fire has always valued playfulness, but I didn’t associate Wisdom on the Way with bingo until 14th November! Diane Rutter is a Dementia Champion, trained to spread the word, to increase public understanding and acceptance and willingness to relate compassionately to those with dementia – an initiative of the Alzheimer’s Society…”
Following Philip and Jill’s letter about their retirement at the end of February 2016, the Core Group is meeting in London on 14th December to plan for the transition period.
Review Group
At the Community Weekend in September,
the following proposal from CF North was
supported by Companions present:
“That CF should set up a Review Group of
Companions to:
-look at our current organisational
structures in the light of our current needs
and to explore whether there are other
formal organisational structures that we
should now consider…for where we are now
and which would reflect our values of
inclusiveness by being owned by all
-consider the precise responsibilities of this
structure and what resources, financial and
human, are required to deliver them
-report their recommendations in writing
and at a national open meeting of al
The Ash Tree
Companion Rebecca Mealing writes:
An Ash Tree, approximately 40 years old, was felled and upon splitting a log, about 20 years old, I was surprised to discover a story symbolic of growth, healing and history greater than ours…