Contemplative Fire is a journey into the present moment, an exploration of a great spiritual tradition as it impacts life in the 21st century. This is a path of unknowing and knowing, of being loved and loving, of letting go and taking hold. This is an invitation to a radical transformation of consciousness.
Have you been disillusioned or alienated by your experience of religion? Do you sense that there might be a spiritual vibrancy at the core of the Christian path?
Within that wisdom tradition, would you delight in the opportunity to explore mystery and metaphor, presence and parable?
Could it be possible to learn to discern the human face of the divine energy of the ordinary at every twist and turn?
How can we have access to the spiritual treasure that lies at the heart of the teachings on the Way of Christ? By experiencing their interior dynamic and by allowing this energy to transfigure our life, work and relationships. Contemplative Fire seeks to provide opportunities at many levels for personal and group work to enable us to enter deeply into the understanding and teaching of Jesus and the Christian mystics.
In local and regional gatherings for stillness and storytelling, for the playful as well as the profound, Contemplative Fire seeks to avoid the allure of easy answers and the lust for certainty. We celebrate the sacrament of the present moment in the beauty of nature, in contemplative liturgy and teaching.
Travelling Light, Dwelling Deep
The rhythm of life
The theology of the Trinity undergirds Contemplative Fire, and finds expression in the inter-connectedness of being, knowing and doing; prayer, study and action. This is symbolised in the Celtic knot or trefoil with its movement between Still Waters, A Learning Journey and Across the Threshold.

This is a pilgrimage into the parables, of the beyond in the midst, of the kingdom of God. The pilgrimage is the journey to now/here; it is learning to let go of what is unhelpful and to live life to the full – at every moment.
Contemplative Fire community
Through the use of the creative imagination in encountering texts and traditions, signs and symbols, through contemplative chant, through inspirational teaching and with the support of travelling companions, those of us who choose to become members of the community – Companions on the Way – will find ourselves drawn ever more consciously into the presence of God here and now. Those who feel called to hold in creative tension both contemplation and action, and who are involved in the Contemplative Fire movement as members can engage in one or more small communities of practice.

Would you like to learn more about Contemplative Fire and our extended community? If so, come to a local or regional gathering or to a retreat workshop or pilgrimage – details on our Events page.
If you are eager to move forward with this vision in the context of your own rhythm of life and in the company of other travelling companions, you may like to explore becoming a Companion or Friend. Click here to find out how to join us.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch at