Norms and Values
| Published: 15th of February 2019
In our life as a community we are invited to rediscover a deep sense of wonder in approaching the mystery of God and the mysterious dimension of the ‘other’ in each and every person.
In our relationships with one another we would consider it the ‘norm’ to expect:
- deep and respectful listening.
- acceptance of difference.
- inclusion of all.
In our speaking we would consider it the ‘norm’ to expect:
- personal authenticity while being sensitive to the needs of others.
- owning our statements without presuming on the position of others (‘I think/I feel’, rather than, ‘we think/we feel’).
- a language of open questioning (I wonder …?).
- a language which, in reference to God, recognises a depth of mystery and unknowing.
- a generosity of spirit and willingness to learn, in recognition that our language may be unintentionally hurtful to others, and that we also have the capacity to be unintentionally hurt.
In gathering together as community we would consider it the ‘norm’ to expect:
- our journey together to reflect our rootedness in the way of Christ and our continuity with those who have walked this way before us.
- the use of resources from the biblical and contemplative traditions and the invitation to encounter God through sacrament, symbol and service.
- to learn by invitation rather than instruction.
- space for stillness, silence and contemplative practice.
- freedom to explore, question and wrestle with tough issues.
- opportunities to engage our creative imagination.
- use of the body in prayer and the celebration of God’s presence with all of our senses.
- meeting together outdoors when opportunity presents, so as to encounter God’s presence in the natural world.
- that the profundity of this journey is most certainly also a cause for joyful celebration … (expect to have fun!).
- all Companions to share responsibility for the Well Being (and Action) of Contemplative Fire.
Our Vision and Values are always inviting us towards deeper inclusion of diversity. To explore more, visit We Journey Together.