
Contemplative Fire Companions have shared here resources and reflections as encouragement to all who wish to Travel Light and Dwell Deep, joining with other like-minded travellers.

Please use the links in the right-hand side bar and the drop downs on the Learning Journey tab.

Listening 3s are our smallest and simplest way of meeting together online or in person. The essence of threes is a structured time of silence, personal story-telling, and deep listening in a safe context. In this, it is counter-cultural and contrasts with other groups which more commonly provide a place for dialogue and discussion. It contrasts also with the prayer of discernment (which draws more upon the imagination). Companions on the Way often belong to a Listening 3.

The structure we follow is simple and can be adapted for most contexts. Why not click Listening 3s description to download the outline for a Listening 3, find 2 others also drawn to contemplation and try it yourself?
