Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer facilitates a movement from more active modes of prayer: verbal, discursive or affective prayer into a receptive form of prayer sometime called “resting in God”……It can allow us to become sensitive to the very subtle inspirations of the Holy Spirit. ……..Centering Prayer is at the same time a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Founded by Father Thomas Keating, drawing upon ancient monastic prayer practices to form a simple method of silent prayer for contemporary people.

For more information see Contemplative Outreach websites. The primary purpose of Contemplative Outreach UK is to share the method of Centering Prayer and to offer practices that bring its fruits into daily life.,

To find out how to do Centering Prayer:

Downloadable brochure (need to scroll down the page and select the download link)
Audio descriptions
Correspondence course:
You Tube: eight minute introduction by the founder, Fr. Thomas Keating
